Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reclaimed My BLISS!

I cannot even believe what a day today was;

I will start by saying things do not always go as I think they will, go figure.  I didn’t know if I’d even make it in to the Y today due to Walter’s pooping issues so I forced myself to be OK with that and hoped I’d make it at night with the family.  I had a plan of my morning, grocery shopping, lawyer appointment for my mom then go home and start making dinner.  Instead of that, Walter woke up and was as fine as can be so we got ready and were off to the Y.  I figured if he started pooping again they would just call me up but at least I’d get my ass out and give it an effort.  I also had in my head I would give another effort of the 2 miles running; I was hoping without stopping today.  I went passed where my SBBC class was and I was coaxed into it.  Oh, am I happy I was! 

Kraig, the instructor of SBBC, has us do, on occasion, track work; that means inchworm, lunges, bear crawl, kangaroo hops, long jumps and any other sort of thing he has dreampt up.  He always says he wants us to do 3 times around for each but we never have enough time.  Today that all changed for me.  I made it through each thing 3 times.  I left “tears of progress” up and down and all around that track.  On my backward lunges I held onto a 14lb medicine ball and on the last set he did some of the work with me, pushing me to go faster and faster.  I loved every single minute of it!!!

Lord help me if I didn’t just find all I had been missing over the last 2 weeks in the 1 hour long class.  My confidence was restored, my body felt strong, and my BLISS was found!

Tonight, we went to the Y as a family and I made it through my 2 miles of running.  I did stop and walk a few times because I had stomach cramps from what I ate before I came here but I ran it and my legs felt great and so did my lungs. 


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