I don’t know if I’ve gone into detail previously regarding how much fucking work it is to get all the boys fed, dressed, bags and lunch packed for after the Y and all the boys in the van and into the Y. It takes me at least 1 1/2hr not including drive time. I do all these things this morning and get them into the Y, which is absolutely a horrible task because Pryor has decided he can’t walk into the Y anymore without either holding my pants or dragging down my bag because a car might possibly hit him. Walter, well he can’t walk in by himself because he doesn’t have a care in the world for cars and will just walk wherever. I’ve got the diaper bag on my shoulder, my gym bag on my other shoulder, Walter in my arms, my food bag in my hand and Pryor hanging on me all the while Clarke freaking out because I won’t let him wear mittens, because he always loses them, and he’s FREEZING.
We make in in and get our boots off, which is another crazy ass task, get everyone into the tot spot and I’m asked…”does Walter have 5ths disease” I don’t think so, I answer…”well, then he probably will get it because Clarke and Pryor have had it” OK, I reply…”well then he can’t stay in here because they are contagious before they break out in the rash” Holy shit, are you kidding me, I asked “nope, he can come back next week”
We actually had to leave because Walter did NOT have 5ths disease. I was so pissed!!! Are you KIDDING ME. He can’t come in because he doesn’t have it. The ladies in tot spot are awesome and they take great care of my boys; there have been a few times when my boys have been pooping pooping and knowing I would almost be done with my workout they haven’t called me in. I really couldn’t believe it. Clarke was having a freak out because he was starting to play with his friends. Walter couldn’t understand and thankfully didn’t have any issues with it, Pryor was a champ too. I wasn’t!!!
I didn’t want to bring them home so they could screech all around me and just make a huge mess so I decided to take them to the library. Now I am not one of those “library” moms. I don’t hover and coddle. I’m a hands free kind of mom. We go in and YOU play. Mommy doesn’t play, I just don’t. I’ll read you a story and play a puzzle but I’m not a pushing trucks, following my kids around a play area kind of mom. I think I was the only mother who has more than 2 kids and when I told one of the moms I had 5 total I think she was going to choke.
Those moms totally get on my nerves. My life does revolve around my family to some extent but they are not my entire existence. I think if you took kids out of any of their equations they wouldn’t have anything left to talk about. I guess maybe if you took working out out of mine I wouldn’t have much to say other than my kids typically suck but god they really need to get a hobby!
I know I shouldn’t judge them because I don’t know them but just from the little I overheard I couldn’t stand it. This is why I don’t really like women. It’s like if they aren’t GREAT parents and GREAT wives, well then they aren’t GREAT. I can’t handle GREAT, I really like mediocre. I like average. I like parents who know their kids suck and they love them anyway. I like women who love their husbands but know they suck too. I like real people with real life problems who work though them and make it through those issues with humor or foul language or irritation but I don’t like the smiley ones. I like women who say FUCK, I like women who don’t think the word PUSSY is an insult. I like women who don’t have to schedule each and every minute of their day. I like women who drink scotch for lunch because, just because.
Well then. Now that I have that off my chest I’m sure I’ll get a great night sleep.
So to all those moms out there who love their kids but know they are shitty, I would like to be your friend. To all the moms who scowl when their kid wants to climb up on their lap with sticky hands, I wanna hear from you. To all those women who like to have a compliment from their husband but don’t feel their day must not have been productive enough if they don’t get it, well then, you and I would get along just fine!
It’s no wonder I don’t have many friends, hahaha! I’ll work on myself tomorrow while I’m out running my 6-12 mile, depending on how my knee is.
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