I didn't even tell him I was training for my 1st 5K until the night before. We met out for drink and in a drunken moment I told him that the next day I was going to try and complete my first race. He couldn't belive it....he was so upset with me for being out and for not telling him. It was during that night of too much beer he told me of all the races he had completed. He also told me of his aspirations to be a triathlete. I was in awe, I couldn't believe he wouldn't think I was crazy and I think he didn't tell me because he thought I would think he was.
Needless to say, I think that was the real beginning for us. I found someone I could share some inner worries about my abilities and he encouraged me.
I encouraged him to buy a road bike and we started making Tuesday nights our track night. We would take my kids and run sprints then go for pizza after.
That year, 2002, was a transformational year for us emotionally and for our athletic discoveries. He would watch the kids for me to do my long runs, as I was training for my 1st 1/2 marathon. I would take the kids to his house so we could tag team our runs; he would make dinner and watch the kids while I ran then I would set the table and make the final touches while he ran. I would row the boat along side of him as he swam in the lake and he tried, desperately, to help me not look quite so cat like while I swam (he never had to row just sort of coast along side of me while I flapped). Our weekends away together were to go to a race. Sometimes we would bring along a sitter or my parents or his parents met us to watch the kids if we raced together or he would get to race and we would be his cheering section or visa versa.
That continued for 2 years until I ended up over doing it and had a few bulging discs. He then cared for me and the kids while I recovered which took much longer than either of us had imagined it would.
We learned so much about each other's strengths and weaknesses during those years training together. When we married in 2005 and subsequently had 3 more children we lost sight of who we were, not only as individuals but also the companionship of having that love of training together.
In 2009 after our son was born I was mentally ready to go back to those days. I wanted that self back, I wanted that man back; the goals, the drive, the sweat, the encouragement, the shared love of training and racing. It took a little longer for me to pest

We have amazing goals for ourselves for this upcoming year. I love my husband for so many reasons but I fell in love with him for the 1st time while sprinting out 400's on the track.
What a great story! Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;)