I have been a member of the Y since before my 5 year old was born. It definitely doesn’t mean I always used it as I should have but I have been paying my monthly dues for that long. After the birth of Walter, my 16 month old, I knew I was all done being fat and I was going to get into some sort of a routine; I needed the Y and their Tot Spot to do that. I truly feel like they are all a part of my extended family. They have listened to me vent and loved my kids and watched my transformation from a STURDY 241lbs down to a slim, fit 145lb. They encouraged me and supported me by being so good to the boys.
They allow children to be in there for 3 hours as long as the parent is in the building. I, typically, use every single minute of that time to workout, shower and chat with the wonderful staff and the friends I have made there. They are not the fanciest facility but they feel like family to me.
Today I didn’t get to go and work out due to a rash that has broken out on Clarke. I used the day to catch up on laundry and dishes, make a nice dinner and snuggle. Sometime this afternoon I received an awful announcement from a Y friend, who also has kids she puts in the tot spot, that they were limiting our kids hours down to 2. Now, I know this may seem like a lot of time but it’s not. If I’m going to the Y I’m working out for a full 2 hours, most days. My Wednesday runs alone should be taking me around 2 hours. That leaves no time to eat or shower let alone chat with friends about how our workout was or steam to warm up my buns from the freezing cold conditions when we run outside. I was absolutely in a panic.
I called Sheri, at the tot spot, and asked if this was accurate. Yes, she told me, it is so busy most days now that they can’t handle all the kids and mothers have been having to wait outside of tot spot for a kid to leave so their kid could go in. Well, that to me sounds crazy. We have a huge gym that isn’t utilized during the day, for the most part, why can’t the toddlers play in the gym instead of being in the tot spot room. That right there would free up space. Anyway, I totally lost my mind. I called my friend, who is in charge of member services and left her a message that if this is really happening I would have to look for another gym because I needed more time than that. Plus, I pay extra for the full service locker room because I eat after my workout and they have a mini kitchen area we can use. I also called the fitness director and explained that I would need to decline the job offer for spring if this were to take place because I couldn’t finish my full workout and teach during this new restrained time. He told me to give him some time to check into it.
I have other mom friends who felt the same way so around and around it went via text message and email and facebook. I was calling other fitness facilities in the area to see if I could find somewhere else we, the moms who work out for longer than 2 hours, could re-locate. I was in full panic mode. The very idea that this was happening was seriously freaking me out. I felt like a MAJOR part of my world was collapsing. I couldn’t believe it.
Finally, I got a call from the member service director, she informed me that “no, nothing has been finalized yet; this is just something they are considering due to the influx of new members”. I think new members are awesome but not necessarily at the expense of the old ones. I think new accommodations need to be met. She informed me I didn’t need to worry about this and that everything is the same as it has been. I added my 2 cents re: having the older kids go to the gym to play then we discussed whether or not her and the kids were coming to my oldests birthday party next week.
I don’t know if I am right or wrong in causing such a fuss. However, I do know that, at least for now, my mom friends and I can continue our marathon/ 1/2 marathon training in addition to weight lifting, pilates, SBBC circuit training and swimming with the bonus of eating our post workout snack and a shower.
Right or wrong, good or bad; I’m thankful I let my voice be heard.
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