Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stil Sick, Still Unsure

This is day 6 of being officially sick. I'm still stuffed up beyond belief and my ear is still ringing and I can't hear out of it. My throat no longer hurts but my head feels fuzzy.
I'm going back to the gym anyway. I don't know if that's a good idea or not but the amount of energy I have is making me feel like I'm on speed.
Being away from exercise; who would have ever thought that this would make me feel unlike me. Make me feel CRAZY! I miss the people, the conversations, the mental solitude that can be found when I hit that "BLISS". Just when the sweat starts to bead on my head, I get a rush. It's like a drug that I've become so addicted to.
After I had Pryor, he's 3 1/2, I became in love with Vicodin. It made me not whacked but just a little numb. Exercise for me is just the opposite, I feel ALIVE! I feel a surge of pleasure as pure as an orgasm. Blood rushes from and to each extremity. I flush. It is BLISS at it's most basic level.
Lord help me, I'm in love!

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