Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sprinted It…

I feel like I can run forever, or at least 11.62 miles, outside but inside is a different level of toughness.  The treadmill is hard for me to run long on.  I try to lose myself in my music or talking with my running friends or just looking around at all the people in the gym but seriously, 4 miles is my limit. 

Due to that I try and split up the longer runs if I have to run them inside. Yesterday we were to run 6 miles but it was 4 degrees outside and I wasn’t interested in braving the cold again nor was my running partner, Dawn.  It was decided we would run sprints instead.  I pulled out an old sprint workout that we had done in the early early, pre-marathon training running.  In the beginning, back in October, we couldn’t complete this workout without having our recovery jog become a recovery walk and the 10 min cool down jog was a 5 min cool down walk.  We jogged we RAN we jogged we RAN we jogged we RAN….X 6. 

I think Dawn and I both needed an inspiring run and I think that was it, at least it was for me. 

However, because of the effort or wrong foot placement I think I may have pulled a muscle in my right foot.  It is great pain to put any pressure on it.  Today I must cross train.  It does seem like it is one thing after another.  Taking it in stride!


  1. just found your blog -- keep up the great work! :)

  2. Thank you, however, I'm paused again. Don't you just love running injuries!!! :(
