Warning: this will not be eloquent or amusing.
Again the flu has returned to my body as I have been suspecting it just might. This is worse however, than the 1st, because I am alone with all 3 little boys. Asking my husband to come home would mean using up his last sick day until mid March and my mother-in-law is useless when it comes to helping because she has, OH SO IMPORTANT, dancing and swimming and art league to do today. Hadn't she told me before that Monday's and Wednesday's and Friday's are not good for her. My mother is useless because she isn't in town and even if she were she is too mentally and physically incapacitated to help in any form whatsoever. She would probably come over saying she would help only to expect me to make her lunch or, even more probable, tell all the relatives that I don't feed the children and all I do is lay around. It is times like this when I am green from illness and green with envy for anyone who has a family that loves and helps unconditionally and is close enough in proximity to show it at times like these. My only bright spot is this should only last for 12 hrs. We, as with most other things in life, shall see.
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